My sessions focus exclusively on BDSM.
Kindly refrain from contacting me if you are looking for an explicitly sexual service.
Hey bitches. I'm still in the middle of rewriting, editing and streamlining the session info for this new site. More info on protocols for session coming soon. In the meantime, use your head and email me your questions.
Please note: Min. booking 2hrs.
Appointments possible:
Mon - Thurs, 10am - 10pm,
Friday 10am - 2pm.
What do you offer in session?
My interests are diverse but you may consider anything listed on my Application Form as something that I enjoy to a greater or lesser extent. I am not only comfortable to offer any of these as part of a session but I am keen to keep my sessions varied. The list is not exhaustive, if you are unsure, don't guess, please ask. Refer my to my list of Boundaries first and if it is not already specified there simply ask me, I will not be offended, I won't "yuk your yum".
Much as your suggestions are welcomed, at all times I will maintain creative freedom, and most importantly control.
Should you request a novel yet agreeable kink that intrigues me, I am unafraid to embrace the learning experience and explore it together. However if it is either not to my taste or I feel uneasy with it for any reason, I will suggest alternative options.
Madam's Boundaries
I do not engage in non-negotiated activities
No illegal activity
No form of aggressive behaviour will be tolerated from you.
I am not submissive. I will not “switch” with you.
No full nudity, I may choose to wear requested fetish clothing at my discretion (see FAQs).
No alcohol or other inebriants, NO DRUG USE.
No vomit (Roman Showers)
No scat / brown showers / hardsports
Castration. Seriously.
Oral Service: No Breast, Vaginal or Anal worship. Foot, leg, armpit and clothed ass worship may be permitted to those that earn the privilege.
Hand-jobs: I do not offer hand-jobs or foot-jobs. I am not interested in satisfying you. However, I may allow supervised masturbation as a reward for pleasing behaviour.
All parties must be aware of the risks involved in all activities and give explicit consent.
No activities that compromise my privacy or identity
I will not continue to see needy players who try to extend our relationship beyond the professional.